Week 4
This week your goal is to of course continue working out, eating healthy and wearing the waist trimmer, and drinking as much as water as possible. This is the time where now you want to ask yourself, can I really do this? In many situations people fall off simply because as stated earlier it’s more mental than anything. It takes 21 days at least to break a bad habit and if you have come this far then clearly you are seeing major results and not killing yourself in the gym. Like I use to, I see people go to the gym 3-5 days a week and waste time simply because they neglect the eating piece. It’s certainly important to pay attention to what you put in your body here on out and going forward. It’s been 11 years since I had a soda. If you’re a soda drinker start with cutting back more and more until you can stop. The same goes for smoking and don’t even get me started with drinking. Alcohol is a huge weight gainer and “stress reliever,” so we say. You surely want to remember it’s loaded with sugar and then those mixers (coke, cranberry, pineapple juice) don’t help. I cut the alcohol and begin running 1-2 miles per week in my neighborhood 2 days a week with the waist trimmer and seen huge results in my ab area after a month in a half. Try it! No eating out the week and no alcohol or fried food cut back on sugars and whites also.
Accountability: What are you cutting back on and what are some replacements? Have you incorporated running into your workout routine?
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