Flat Tummy Challenge XV
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Join us for our 15th challenge. It's been over two years since we started hosting fitness challenges and its been amazing. We recently also just added a fitness accountability coaching to our portfolio to assist you with your goals on a more intimate level. Email us at naorganizing@gmail.com if you would like to know more about what we offer with our accountability fitness program.
What are we doing? First ....like NAO Fit Gang on social media so you can be apart of the challenge and get all the info as we post multiple times per day on:
1. Drinking the detox juice 4-8 ounces in the morning and at night or drinking the detox water in the ebook/journal if you have been drinking the detox juice or tea for 30 days.
2. Wearing the waist trimmer with oil on our belly for 2 hours a day. Grab one for naofitgang.com and follow our videos on how to properly wear the waist trimmer and how to leverage the waist trimmer for you goals.
3. Workout tips that target belly fat including: workouts in the pool, yoga, fitness, weight, and suggested workout apps to keep you in the game.
4. Utilizing my new ebook as your guide, journal and diary to document your progress. It has recipes for meal prepping, smoothies and juicing pairings. Its a journal and guide under Flat Tummy Challenge XII. Simply print it, use it and write your experience in it.
5. Get connected with people who are losing inches and pounds simply following the plan.
6. Drink water more using an app that reminds you to drink water.
7. Motivation, empowerment and inspiration!
8. Healthy eating, skin detox, accupuncture, meditation and more discussed on this 30 day journey.
Nothing in life works until YOU DO!
NEXT CHALLENGE STARTS November 17 until December 18, 2019 You ready?