With this savings book you can select to save as much or less as you like. The most important thing is that you get started.
Each wallet comes with slots for you to save your funds and with an ink pin. Watch out tik toks below on how the challenge works.
Let’s get started.
- Get in the savings challenge. https://www.facebook.com/share/g/yCijpW1W7o2vWVBx/?mibextid=K35Xf
- Grab a savings book that fits your needs. We have several here.
- Grab your Budget and Savings Tracker it’s free under ebooks.
- Keep us updated on your progress and write us a review.
- Join the Money Talk lives every night where we discuss money tips https://www.tiktok.com/@nequetta?_t=8pAqWAxvZKJ&_r=1
Thank you for your purchase and see you in the FB Group for more success talk!